What should I get my bridesmaids as a gift?

Looking at Bridal Inspo pages on social media, blogs and magazine articles the question pops up again and again. “What should I get my bridesmaids as a gift??”
Though there isn’t a law that you MUST buy your bridesmaids a gift, many brides would like to give something to acknowledge the dedication of their bridesmaids in making their wedding day a success.
Treating them on the day is a great way to say thank you and to acknowledge their dedication to you and your big day. But, budgets are tight! You might have dresses, hair, make up, jewellery and all the razzamatazz that goes with kitting out your girls for the day ahead. It doesn’t have to be extravagant (unless you want it to be), like all good gifts, it’s the thought that counts.
You love your bridesmaids, right? Of course you do! Otherwise they wouldn’t be your bridesmaids!
These are your wonderful, beautiful, loyal and bestest friends!

Ok, So Maybe This Lot Is A Bad Example But You Get My Point, Right?
So, why would you torture them with hideously uncomfortable shoes? Comfy bridesmaids = happy bridesmaids.
Those fabulous ladies will be on their feet all day, too in their #TeamBride supporting roles, and yet every single wedding I’ve ever been to, by the time they hit the dance floor, there’s a pile of bridesmaid’s shoes piled in the corner.
Some of your besties may not be comfortable in heels, or you may have chosen a younger relative as a bridesmaid who would require flat shoes. If you have a theme or colour in mind, with our inhouse hand dye service, they can pick their own style and even if the styles don’t match exactly, the colour will!
Many of the colours that match their dresses are not available on the high street, which is often why they end up wearing silver or gold because it’s the next best option but it’s just so limiting! Depending on your wedding and your individual style you could match everything completely, match the colour but let them choose their styles or get a bit crazy and choose a different colour for each bridesmaid but keep the styles the same!

Many a bridesmaid has disgraced herself by needing, NEEDING, to “self-medicate” away the pain of blisters caused by her shoes. Don’t be an accessory to this crime! Treat her feet to a pair of gorgeous, superbly comfortable bridesmaid shoes that she can look and feel beautiful in all day long.
Our newest collection of occasion shoes will considerably expand the selection for 2019 and we put the same attention to detail and comfort into our occasion shoes as we do into our bridal shoes. No member of the bridal party shall suffer on our watch!
Want to make the gift more personal? Why not write a little message on the bottom of each bridesmaid shoe?